There have been two weeks past already since my first day of sem seems like within this two weeks there are many things that happened and fully packed up my, i will write them down by parts..enjoy it^^ PART I: Rooms politics...
First of all, i went back to uni at the very first day with little spirit to start my new sem..the main reason is till that time i not yet even get my my previous blog stated i failed to get a room and then i appealed, they still holding back the result of the appeal list though sem already least my house not say too far from my uni so i still able to back and forth but then for those outstation student,this had create such a big inconveniency for them..went back to check the appeal result in the morning of the first day of sem coz heard rumours say the list coming out on that day itself but at the end the officer say the list still been analysized and not sure wen can come out...afta i back to home then my fren call that the list had came out at noon on the same day...such a big joke...then i packed my ting and back to uni on the same day again...
Afta some back and forth to uni, and through some messy system, finally i got a two people room( usually those in appeal list only can get three person room)..then in my mind: finally can settle down, i wan to unpack my thing, clean my room and then hav a nice rest...who knos when i open my room, i almost fainted....the stuff inside is like the room just been robbed...i close back the room(* deep breathe~~cool down~~), then walk to office..."kak, ada bilik lain tak, bilik saya tu macam baru lepas perang la"..then the kak say no more empty space for me n i have to accept that room...then i 'tumpang' at my frens room for that day with speechless feeling..should i be happy for getting a room finally or sad for the condition of the that moment actually i am quite worry bout my roomate is what kind of human..hehe..
At night finally i felt much beter after i get to kno from her that she also just moved in that morning, the room is such messy because at that time she is very very rushing to go out thats why just dump everytin into the i say is ok and giv her time to clear up her thing...but then day after day, though she clean up the room, her thing are still overly too many and still occupying my cupboard n i didn moved in...after one week, finally i choose to talk to her about my plan to move in(~~reluctantly~~)...before i even have chance to move in, i got a call from office told me to change room...i have been changed to another block
and at fourth floor...i have been expecting for this call since the first day because as i heard there are some complicated politics going on within those in appeal list...jealousy and 'red eyes' (those pple even go to office few times each day and almost everyday in the first week to complain and buat bising there) never have enough...this is one of the reason i didn move in to my room first at the very first week... Now, everything had settle and i still prefer staying with my ex-roomate and she and her new roomate also suggested that i continue 'ma po' wif in the end i still having fun becoming roomates with them and hope from now on no anymore hustel and bustle for all this rooms thingy..hehe^^