Another year has arrived and again one year older...huhuhu...this is the first year released from study life transforming into working life...since bonded to government for news for one year, so it become the reason i not stepping into the real working world yet and temporary working as a primary teacher..
Teaching in SJK (C) Khe Beng..last year was responsible to teach science (mandarin),maths (mandarin),music and moral, while this year i feel should be an easier one as i only needed to focus on english, both english and scince in english..Last year still get to play with standard 1 students and they are the one still so adorable and innocent..this year as my schedule i only responsible to teach standard 2 and 3 students...and one more subject that is quite worrying me is ART!..oh my, first class itself i start to lack of idea what to teach those kids..luckily get an idea from ex-art teacher last minute and first art class went through smoothly..but....cant imagine how am i gona handle for the following months..pray hard...@@
Honestly, i am enjoying this job as it is not really much after-work stress and the working scope is to face those cutie...of course there are impossible everything will be going so well as there also some 'hyperactive' , rebillion, nvr listen's kids ...anyway, learning is in progress...In prompt to is a must criteria for a teacher in order to settle variety cases created by those kids..and more creative than the students a teacher must be if want to control them...
Anyhow, sometime those kids' expression and words are so....how can i say....erm...so heart melting, funny, innocent and angel-like...neway, i start choosing not to become 'too angel' teacher to them as they will start climbing to your head as you did so..so, new year new resolution..be a sterner teacher..kekexp